Heating solutions for all industries

Do you want to know why we are so confident and secure?

We have developed a clearly structured approach to problem solving that leads our customers to the desired goal. We make no secret of this. There are just six precisely coordinated processes, but they are characterized by our specialist knowledge and expertise:

  • We listen to our customers
  • We analyze and record the customer-specific requirements
  • We provide high-level technical advice
  • We create an individual offer
  • We manufacture precise solutions down to the smallest millimeter dimensions, e.g. 0.25 mm for thermocouples
  • We deliver on time


The icing on the cake:

The entire team has not only technical but also interpersonal skills, i.e. we understand what our customers say and what they expect. This enables us to meet all quality requirements.



X 0mm MantelthermoelementX 0mm ThermoelementX 1mm HeizleiterX 25mm MantelthermoelementX 25mm ThermoelementX 2mm HeizleiterX 2mm MantelthermoelementX 2mm ThermoelementX 34mm MantelthermoelementX 34mm ThermoelementX 3D CAD HeizapplikationX 3D CAD HeizleiterX 3kw VerdampferX 3mm HeizleiterX 3mm MantelthermoelementX 3mm ThermoelementX 5mm HeizleiterX 5mm MantelthermoelementX 5mm ThermoelementX 6kw VerdampferX abgeflachte MessstelleX AbsorberheizungX AndruckverschraubungX ATEX HeizleiterX ATEX ThermoelementeX Außendurchmesser ThermoelementX AusgleichsleitungX Ausgleichsleitung Typ BX Ausgleichsleitung Typ CX Ausgleichsleitung Typ DX Ausgleichsleitung Typ RX Ausgleichsleitung Typ SX Auslegung HeizapplikationX Auslegung HeizleiterX BegleitheizungX beheizte PlatteX beheizter FlanschX beheiztes RohrX BeheizungslösungenX CO2 VerdampferX customized heaterX Direktverbindung HeizleiterX DruckverschraubungX DurchführungshülseX DurchgangsverschraubungX Durchmesser HeizleiterX Durchmesser ThermoelementX DüsenheizungX Edelstahl ThermoelementX einadriger HeizleiterX einadriges HeizleitermaterialX Einbaukupplung ThermoelementX Einschweißhülse HeizleiterX Einschweißhülse ThermoelementX explosionsgeschützte HeizleiterX explosionsgeschützte ThermoelementeX FEM-Simulation HeizapplikationX FEM-Simulation HeizleiterX FEM-Simulation HeizplatteX FEM-Simulation ThermoelementX Flachkontaktstecker ThermoelementX Fühlerlänge ThermoelementX heaterX heating cableX heating chuckX heating elementsX heating pipesX heating tubeX HeizdrahtX Heizelement 1000°X Heizelement 12VX Heizelement 230vX Heizelement elektrischX Heizelement IndustrieX HeizelementeX HeizerX HeizflanschX HeizkabelX Heizleiter 1.4301X Heizleiter 1.4306X Heizleiter 1.4404X Heizleiter 1.4541X Heizleiter 1000°CX Heizleiter 2.4816X Heizleiter 800°CX Heizleiter aggresive MedienX Heizleiter AnalytikX Heizleiter AnlagenbauX Heizleiter AnschlussleitungX Heizleiter AnwendungenX Heizleiter ApplikationenX Heizleiter AutomotiveX Heizleiter berechnenX Heizleiter BerechnungX Heizleiter BiegeradiusX Heizleiter EdelstahlX Heizleiter ForschungX Heizleiter für VakuumX Heizleiter HalbleiterindustrieX Heizleiter HasteloyX Heizleiter HochtemperaturöfenX Heizleiter HochvakuumX Heizleiter individuellX Heizleiter IndustrieX Heizleiter KraftwerkstechnikX Heizleiter KundenwunschX Heizleiter LängeX Heizleiter LuftfahrtX Heizleiter MagnesiumoxidX Heizleiter MaschinenbauX Heizleiter mit angesetzten KaltendenX Heizleiter mit echten KaltendenX Heizleiter mit kalten EndenX Heizleiter mit KaltendenX Heizleiter mit KühlungX Heizleiter mit MetallmantelX Heizleiter mit übergangslosen KaltendenX Heizleiter NickelX Heizleiter NiCr 80/20X Heizleiter ÖfenX Heizleiter ohne kalte EndenX Heizleiter ProduktionX Heizleiter ProjektierungX Heizleiter RaumfahrtX Heizleiter TemperaturerzeugungX Heizleiter TurbinenbauX Heizleiter WerkzeugbauX Heizleiter WiderstandX Heizleiter WiderstandsverhältnisX Heizleiter Widerstandsverhältnis 20:1X Heizleiter Widerstandsverhältnis 50:1X HeizleiteranschlüsseX HeizleiterdrahtX HeizleitermaterialX Heizleitermaterial RolleX HeizleitungX HeizpatroneX HeizplatteX Heizplatten für VakuumX Heizplatten UHVX HeizschieneX HeizspiraleX HeizstabX HeizstempelX HeizstrahlerX HeizteilverjüngungX HeiztigelX HeiztischX Heizung elektrischX HeizwendelX HeizwiderstandX Hochtemperatur HeizelementeX Hochtemperatur MantelthermoelementX Hochtemperatur ThermoelementX HochtemperaturheizplatteX hot plateX Immersion heaterX InconelX Inconel HeizleiterX Inconel ThermoelementX individuelle ThermoelementeX industrielle HeizungX InfrarotheizungX InfrarotstrahlerX isolierte Messstelle ThermoelementX isolierter HeizleiterX KapillarheizerX KapillarheizungX Keramikmetall AnschlüsseX keramische StromanschlüsseX keramische StromdurchführungX keramischer Flachkontaktstecker ThermoelementX keramischer Rundkontaktstecker ThermoelementX keramischer Stecker ThermoelementX Konstruktion HeizapplikationX Konzepterstellung HeizleiterX KühlplatteX kundenindividuelle HeizapplikationX kundenindividuelle HeizplatteX kundenindividueller HeizleiterX kundenindividueller HeizstrahlerX kundenspezifische HeizapplikationX kundenspezifische HeizleiterX kupferfreier HeizleiterX Mantelmaterial ThermoelementX MantelthermoelementX mantelverschweißte Messstelle ThermoelementX MassenspektrometerX Messperle ThermoelementX metallischer Steckverbinder ThermoelementX mi-cableX MI-HeizkabelX MI-HeizleiterX MI-HeizleitermaterialX middle-swaged heaterX mineral isolated cableX mineral isolated heaterX mineral-isolierte HeizleitungX mineral-isolierter HeizleiterX mineral-isoliertes HeizleitermaterialX mineralisolierte Mantel-ThermoelementeX mineralisolierte MantelheizleitungX mineralisolierte MantelthermoelementeX mineralisolierte SignalleitungX Mineralisolierter HeizleiterX Mineralisolierter MantelheizleiterX Mineralisoliertes HeizleitermaterialX mineralisoliertes KabelX Miniatursteckverbinder ThermoelementeX mitten-verjüngter HeizleiterX Molybdän ThermoelementX Montagearten HeizleiterX MontagehinweisX Montagehinweis HeizleiterX MuffenbeheizungX Nickel HeizleiterX Nickel-Chrom HeizleiterX NickelChrom HeizleiterX NickelChrom HeizleitungX nozzle heaterX Platin-Rhodium 10%X Platin-Rhodium 30%X Platin-Rhodium ThermoelementX PT100 WiderstandsthermometerX radiation heaterX Rhenium ThermoelementX RinnenbeheizungX RohrbegleitheizungX Rundkontaktstecker ThermoelementX SeelenheizerX selbstklebende OberflächenthermoelementeX selbstklendende Folien-WiderstandsthermometerX selbstregulierendes HeizbandX selbstregulierendes HeizleitermaterialX SelenheizleiterX Sensor HeizungX SensorheizerX SiegelbackeX SiegelleisteX SiegelplatteX signal cableX signal transmission cableX SignalleitungX spiralisierter HeizleiterX Standard Mantel-ThermoelementX Standard-HeizleiterX Standardsteckverbinder ThermoelementeX StapelfeldX Steckverbinder ThermoelementeX Stick on thermocouplesX Strahlungsheizer HochvakuumX StromanschlussX Stromanschluss HeizleiterX Stromanschluss MantelheizleiterX Stromanschluss Metall-KeramikX Stromanschluss metallisch-keramischX SubstratheizerX Tantal ThermoelementX TauchheizkörperX Temperaturerzeugung HeizleiterX TemperaturmesstechnikX TemperaturmessungX Temperaturmessung ThermoelementeX Thermoelement AbgasuntersuchungX Thermoelement AnalytikX Thermoelement AnlagenbauX Thermoelement AutomotiveX Thermoelement bis 2200°CX Thermoelement DIN 60584X Thermoelement DIN EN 60584X Thermoelement ForschungX Thermoelement HalbleiterindustrieX Thermoelement IndustrieX Thermoelement IP68X Thermoelement KraftwerkstechnikX Thermoelement LuftfahrtX Thermoelement MagnesiumoxidX Thermoelement MaschinenbauX Thermoelement ProduktionX Thermoelement RaumfahrtX Thermoelement TurbineX Thermoelement TurbinenbauX Thermoelement WehrtechnikX Thermoelement WerkzeugbauX Thermoelement ZubehörX ThermofühlerX ThermoleitungX Thermoleitung Typ EX Thermoleitung Typ KX Thermoleitung Typ LX Thermoleitung Typ NX Thermoleitung Typ TX Thermopaar ThermoelementX ThermosensorX trace heatingX Typ B MantelthermoelementX Typ B ThermoelementX Typ B ThermopaarX Typ C MantelthermoelementX Typ C ThermoelementX Typ C ThermopaarX Typ D MantelthermoelementX Typ D ThermoelementX Typ D ThermopaarX Typ E MantelthermoelementX Typ E ThermoelementX Typ E ThermopaarX Typ JX Typ J MantelthermoelementX Typ J ThermoelementX Typ J ThermopaarX Typ K MantelthermoelementX Typ K ThermoelementX Typ K ThermopaarX Typ L MantelthermoelementX Typ L ThermoelementX Typ L ThermopaarX Typ N MantelthermoelementX Typ N ThermoelementX Typ N ThermopaarX Typ R MantelthermoelementX Typ R ThermoelementX Typ R ThermopaarX Typ S Mantel thermoelementX Typ S ThermoelementX Typ S ThermopaarX vaporizerX VerdampferX verjüngte MessspitzeX verjüngter HeizleiterX verjüngtes ThermoelementX WiderstandsheizungX WiderstandsthermometerX Wolfram-Rhenium MantelX Wolfram-Rhenium ThermoelementX Zeichnung HeizapplikationX zweiadriger HeizleiterX zweiadriger Heizleiter mit kalten EndenX zweiadriger Heizleiter mit KaltendenX zweiadriges Heizleitermateria

Please click for a larger view of the picture.

More contributions from ThermoExpert°

Certified quality according to ISO 9001:2015

The ThermoExperts have once again received the letter and seal of approval for their quality management system - a re-certification without any deviations. This clearly shows that the company's quality standards are supported and practiced by all employees. All work processes and procedures have always been continuously checked for conformity and improvement, as quality assurance has always been part of the guiding principle at ThermoExperten.

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Thermal imaging camera detects hot spots and cold spots in the heating application

A thermal imaging camera is used whenever a high degree of measurement accuracy of the temperature distribution is required - because the development of individual heating applications is often a matter of millimetres and milliseconds. In addition to the FEM analysis, the thermal imaging camera can be used not only to simulate the temperature distribution, but also to map it in real time. The temperature of metal surfaces can thus be measured precisely without contact in the temperature range from 450°C to 1,800°C. The measuring accuracy is ±2 %.

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ThermoExpert Your partner for mineral-insulated heating conductors and thermocouples

ThermoExpert offers technical solutions for thermocouples, mineral-insulated heating conductors and customized heating solutions, as well as trace heating based on mineral-insulated sheathed cables. Our focus is on providing individual advice to our customers, from the initial idea to on-time delivery of the product. The good thing is that we offer you our know-how and our products from just one piece!

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Sheathed thermocouples with tapered measuring point

Sheathed thermocouples with a tapered measuring point are our answer to the question of short response times but stable and resilient processing or when, for example, threaded holes require a taper due to their design. Only one end of the thermocouple, including the measuring point, is reduced in diameter so that it remains extremely robust overall and can be ideally inserted into holes or threads using welding sleeves or through-bore fittings.

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Miniature sheathed thermocouples type K

To be honest, we are really proud of our "smallest" products, namely our miniature sheathed thermocouples with an outer diameter of less than 0.5 mm. They are primarily used where very fast response times are required with very thin outer diameters, e.g. for measuring the temperature of spark plugs or engine test benches. If vibrations and similar mechanical stresses prevent the use of resistance thermometers, the miniature sheathed thermocouples are also the ideal solution.

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Bardabunga is quite presumptuous!

Bardabunga is pretty well measured! Ice-free measurement of volcanic ash concentration The ThermoExperts manufacture pipe trace heaters for mass spectrometers for ice-free measurement of the concentration of volcanic ash in the atmosphere

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Sheathed thermocouple with flange

Typical application examples for sheathed thermocouples

Sheathed thermocouples, also known as sheathed thermocouples, are used in various industries and applications where precise temperature measurements are required. This type of thermocouple consists of two different metallic conductors that are connected at one end and open at the other. The open ends are placed at the location where the temperature is to be measured. ThermoExpert° Deutschland GmbH, with its managing directors Heiko Gevert and Andreas Helf, has been a partner to all these branches of industry and research for many years. The range of applications for thermocouples is almost unlimited - as is the wealth of ideas for helping customers achieve their goals.

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Heating solutions from ThermoExpert

In this short film, you can see the heating of a customer-specific heating solution in fast motion. The required final temperature is reached extremely evenly and to the point - constantly and precisely monitored by our jacket thermocouples from our own production. With our team in Stapelfeld, we have been successfully implementing even the most complicated or complex requirements for many years - from minimal heating capacities to heating plates or surfaces with several kW output. Our clients can be found in research and education, the food industry, aerospace, the automotive sector and so on.

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Employer of the year award

Employer of the year 2023

If the working atmosphere is right, the economic result will also be right.

As simple as the calculation is, it can be challenging in day-to-day work to reconcile as many employee interests as possible with customer projects. But as ThermoExperts, we love challenges and we master them best in conversation. As the founders of ThermoExpert Deutschland GmbH, we don't sit in an ivory tower, but are very close to our employees.

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international employees live by perfect teamwork at ThermoExpert

Perfect teamwork

Finding qualified employees is certainly a challenge. Unfortunately, our industry is no exception. We are therefore all the happier that we were able to recruit a new colleague from Syria for our team despite a number of hurdles. There were hurdles both for the new colleague, whose degree in measurement technology was not recognized by the German authorities, and for us, as we also had to deal with a few piles of small print as an employer.

At the end of the day, however, we have gained a valuable, committed new employee for our international team. We tend to see different cultures as an enrichment and as an employer we make it possible to live them.

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Sheathed thermocouples Shop from ThermoExpert Deutschland GmbH

New: Shop for sheathed thermocouples

As you know, the ThermoExperts are specialists for all topics relating to heating, temperature measurement and the generation of temperatures - in addition, we now offer the option of ordering the required thermocouples quickly and easily online in our online store [ Thermoelement.store ] for standard items that are always in demand. Here you will find thermocouples of types K, J, N and L. Sensor length and sheath materials can be easily selected via dropdown - immediate production of your order here in Stapelfeld is of course guaranteed - as always, the TE° team looks forward to receiving your orders.

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Angle thermocouple with thermowell, measuring with precision, mineral-insulated sheathed thermocouple, temperature measurement, ThermoExpert production

Sheathed thermocouple or PT 100 - a comparison and overview of the differences

In order to measure temperatures accurately, reproducibly and with long-term stability, platinum resistance thermometers (PT100) can be used in addition to sheathed thermocouples. To make the right choice, it is important to check your requirements in terms of accuracy, long-term stability and temperature range, as well as the ambient conditions. ThermoExpert GmbH has been advising its customers for over 10 years and finds a technical solution for every challenge. We would be happy to advise you too - contact us at any time, e.g. via our chat function on the thermoexpert.de website

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